Wednesday, January 1

New Years Resolutions

I am not going to do one of those cheesy 'new year, new me' posts, but I personally believe that the start of a new year is an excellent time to make positive changes to how you live your life! Here are some resolutions that I am planning on sticking too this year!

1. Doing more exercise 
Being healthy is something that's really important, and I currently don't feel as if I do enough exercise, this year I plan on taking up more exercise classes

2. Eating healthier
This doesn't mean that I plan on giving up chocolate and crisps completely, but I eat way too much fatty food and not enough good stuff, so that has to change

3. Saving money
I buy way too much stuff I don't need, and hardly ever save money, so I plan to change that immediately 

4. Being more motivated towards school work
I seriously lack motivation towards school at the minuet so this year, being my last at school, I really need to knuckle down

Obviously I have other resolutions that I want to fulfill, but I think these are the main four form me, and probably the most common for everyone. I hope everyone has had a fabulous New Year's Eve and I wish everyone the best for the new year! 
Lauren xxx

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